Aliens are watching David Grusch UFO hearings

1 year ago

Im sure most humans are not putting this deep thought into what is going on and who is watching. When the U.S has hearings on UFO / UAP live on tv. Its not just Americans who are watching this very closely. Every country in the world is watching this. Did you know that there was a video that vent viral on the internet of a triangle alien looking craft on a US Navy carrier? The video propped some countries governments to say its an act of war if the US has alien craft. Soon after the U.S put out a public statement saying. They the video is a fake and they do not have alien craft. You didn't know about that most likely because you have to look this stuff up. They keep this info hidden because they don't want Americans to start poking into what is going on. Well now with these hearings its all starting to come to light. However its not just this world that is watching. There are aliens who are also watching this very closely. That means other worlds are becoming aware that the doors to earth are going to be open and no longer will they have to continue to hold up the vail or hide in plane sight. This also means that the inner Earthers will be coming up to the surface to finally revile the true history of planet earth. So please understand this is a massive move that is going on right now on earth.

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