AustraliaOne Party - Blacktown Tavern Information Session (26 July 2023)

9 months ago

26 July 2023
Riccardo Bosi speaks about the next phase of operation, followed by a live Q&A
00:04:20 - Building the AustraliaOne Arc
00:09:00 - Doctors during Covid / Prescribing Ivermectin
00:11:28 - Courage
00:13:40 - The Next Phase Of Operations / Stop The Rot, Sack The Lot
00:18:45 - Lets get into Q&A
00:21:00 - Are the new Common Law Sheriffs being brought in by the 'good guys'?
00:22:30 - Is Dave Graham's list of 'what to say when confronted by police' available on the A1 website?
00:24:45 - Riccardo welcomes any Mason's in the audience
00:25:50 - Would you join with others like Alex Antic & Rod Culleton?
00:35:02 - When doing online interviews can you give us some signals to let us know we are headed in the
right direction?
00:40:06 - Where is the support that we need when telling the local council to stand down?
00:45:10 - What are we doing to oppose this Disinformation Bill?
00:51:00 - How do we get all the good people voted in when the system is so corrupt?
00:57:50 - neighbourhood meetings
00:59:30 - Have you met Caroline Kennedy?
01:02:00 - Are you and Caroline Kennedy overseeing the rebuild of Australia?
01:02:45 - How many US ships are in Australian waters, and do they have med beds?
01:04:08 - Do you know about the guy on Facebook that was telling people not to go to work this Friday?
What is this about?
01:06:42 - Have you noticed that a lot of our politicians look different?
01:12:03 - Is the Central Banking Digital Currency coming?
01:14:40 - Two questions. Are we fighting two fights, the military industrial complex, and the cabal, or is it
all combined through the CIA? Can you explain quantum entanglement?
01:26:10 - How do you approach people when you have fear?
01:28:25 - In the bible God never said follow the Christians. Follow him. Who made up the Christians?
01:31:15 - Go to your local council meetings and make them uncomfortable.
01:32:55 - How much rot is in big pharma?
01:36:30 - Are the natural vitamins that are available tampered with?
01:42:05 - Can you tell us what you meant when you said "Don't pay your tax bill"?
01:43:20 - Are Root brand vitamins good for people that are jabbed. Do they work?
01:44:00 - Hecklers interruption. Do you guys believe in the death penalty?
01:49:45 - You said we were gonna start hanging them. When do you think that's gonna start happening?
01:55:40 - Are the med beds in Australia and do they require funding?
01:57:00 - How do you relax and enjoy downtime?
02:01:10 - Do you have any idea about how the world wide scare event might impact Australia?
02:03:20 - Is there going to be an EMP attack?
02:04:34 - Do you think businesses should back up their records?
02:05:53 - With the financial changes that are meant to be coming, will the banks in Australia be backed up?
02:06:48 - What do you believe will trigger the breakdown of the belligerent occupation?
02:10:20 - Are we going to have another lockdown? Will it be sooner or later?

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Educational links and books:
Hillsdale College -
The Political Theory of the American Founding by Thomas G West -
Greatness Awaits You: The five pillars of real leadership by Riccardo Bosi-

Telegram Groups:
Riccardo Bosi Resources -
Constitutional Convention Preparation -

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