Lyme Disease Relief from the Relax Sauna - Far Infrared Therapy

11 months ago

This is a spontaneous Relax Sauna testimonial:
Lyme Disease Relief from the Relax Sauna - Far Infrared Therapy
Lyme conference expo sauna owner reviews the Relax far infrared sauna

“We got a Relax sauna from you last year. In January, my office manager had a port placed and was having a lot of problems as far as the treatment was working. But we found if she would do her daily 10-minute sauna treatment it would go much better. She's been doing better. Her daughter also has a port for I.V. antibiotic therapy and, again, if she uses the sauna she does better.

I’ve got a receptionist whose son also has Lyme disease. He was unable to participate in sports last fall which meant was he was out of football for the season this year. He is the top tackler in his conference and I was texted from a game last week that he made four touchdowns. That’s pretty good.

I also have a daughter that has Lyme disease and when she uses it she also feels better. My housekeeper has Lyme disease and she comes in every day as well for 10 minutes at the clinic and does much better.

We are getting a lot of use and a lot of good results. I’ve got an active practice with Lyme patients and when they are able to come in and use it for 10 minutes for their appointments they feel so much better when they leave.”

About the instant-on feature, she says “It makes it user-friendly.”

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