Daily Chess play -

1 year ago

0:00 Game 1:
Move 10, Took free pawn at g5. Move 42, I blunder Bishop on a5. Move 51, Opponent hangs Bishop on d3. Move 53, Opponent hangs Knight on c4. I still lose XD.

18:01 Game 2:
Move 11, Trade Bishop for Rook on d1. Move 13, I hang Bishop on b4. Move 16, I trade Rook for Bishop and Rook starting at e3. Move 29, I have to trade Rook for Knight on f7. Move 37, I wanted to trade Queens but he blunders it on g6 so he resigns.

34:04 Game 3:
Move 23, Opponent trades Bishop for pawn on g4. We keep trading and we end up with Knight and Bishop end game but I had a pawn on the a file that could keep going up to promote. Opponent has to trade his Bishop for it. Opponent resigned soon after that.

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