Waltz Confronts John Kerry About Private Jet

1 year ago

Rep Michael Waltz: Mr. Secretary, in an exchange with Mr. Mills you just testified under oath that you never owned a private jet. Mr. Chairman, I'd like to enter into the record article here from February 15th of 2023. 'The John Kerry family private jet was sold shortly after accusations of climate hypocrisy' Mr. Secretary do you stand by that testimony that you never owned or your family, not your family . . .

Sec. John Kerry: I personally, I personally, yes my wife owned a plane

Rep Michael Waltz: Have you flown on that plane?

Sec. John Kerry: Not in the number of years but I have flown on it, sure.

Rep Michael Waltz: This article is not then inaccurate that your family owned a plane, you flew on a plane. . . .

Sec. John Kerry: My wife, my wife owned a plane.

Rep Michael Waltz: Mr. Secretary here's the issue. This isn't some kind of partisan gotcha. When we are asking Americans to make serious sacrifices as we transition, for the common good, and your family and/or yourself are flying around on private jets, that smacks of hypocrisy it actually hurts your cause, Mr. Secretary.

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