Character assassination campaigns and false police reports

11 months ago

FYI: As per usual complete shadow banned and view counter manipulation its all of the charts these days

This it is about the never seen before in history, technocratic and public persecution of Stephen Bell in public, which is being broadcasted all over the world by the United States government, in collaboration with the Danish and UK governments and intelligence agencies.

From the never-ending character assassination campaigns, typically labelling me guilty for sex crimes, proclaiming I’m the most prolific sex criminal the world has ever seen, without there in actual reality being a single case, that they can refer to, and as compensation for actual facts and reality not being on their side, the targeted individual program and all the directed energy weapons and communication systems are being used relentlessly, to make up for the fact, that they have no merit or facts supporting their never-ending fantastical claims and storylines, that are being broadcasted all over the world on a continuous basis, in relation to this global social engineering and intelligence operation a.k.a. the program.

Moreover how the Danish state and its intelligence agency PET are so corrupted that they are literally and on a regular basis coercing members of the public to act as their the factor proxies, and on 27 April 2023 coerced a member of the public, to make a false police report again Stephen Bell, in concern with my newly acquired hunting license, which is another thing of mine that the state of Denmark and its intelligence agency PET are continuously and systematic trying to sabotage and take from me, in this regard getting someone to report me to North Jutland police, not for a crime or threat, however instead because of my social media content and the and anonymous reporters subjective opinion that I was supposedly strange, this obviously being code talk for the programs PSYOPS.

And so it goes over and over on repeat, because the program and its propaganda is a merry-go-round, the same subject of sex crimes, porn and sexuality, piss and shit, gets repeated and re-broadcasted over and over again without end incessantly, the most basic propaganda trick is to repeat the same lies and fabrications over and over again until people get indoctrinated with the narratives that are being broadcasted by the states and intelligence agencies who run this global social engineering program.


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