Why law enforcement MUST choose action! with Joe Gamaldi | TIR 063

1 year ago

If YOU want things to change, YOU MUST DO SOMETHING! Why law enforcement MUST choose action! with Joe Gamaldi | TIR 063

See this Episodes complete SHOW NOTES at https://www.ontheblueline.com/podcast-show-notes

We know first-hand the struggle of trying not to take the job home with us and let it affect our families. We know the toll the law enforcement career can have on marriages and relationships. And we also have been frustrated by the lack of authentic leadership in our agencies. This Law Enforcement Podcast was designed to help you overcome the mental toll of the law enforcement career and the negative effects it can have on your personal life.

Hosted by active-duty law enforcement, we bring you two weekly podcasts. On Thursday, in The Interview Room we sit down with amazing guests who provide actionable advice on leadership, mental health, and relationships from their lived experiences. On Monday, in Morning Roll Call, you and I enjoy a cup of coffee and discuss current events, offer encouragement, and discuss practical steps for achieving the life we were meant to live. If you’re ready to become a better leader and protector on and off the job, then, please, scroll up and click follow to join us on the journey.

In this episode, I sit down with Joe Gamaldi:

FOP National Vice President Joe Gamaldi was born and raised on Long Island, NY. Following high school he attended the University of Hartford, where he earned a degree in Criminal Justice, with minors in Political Science and Sociology. After graduation, Joe was hired by the NYPD in 2005 where he worked as an officer for approximately three years. He then transferred to the Houston Police Department in 2008, where he is currently an active Lieutenant.
Shortly after graduation from the academy, he completed his Master’s Degree from Long Island University in Homeland Security Management. Joe then went on to serve as a Board Member of the Houston Police Officers’ Union (HPOU) FOP Lodge 110 before being elected the Second Vice President, serving in that capacity for five years before being elected President of the Houston Police Officers’ Union, where he served for three years. Joe was elected National Vice President of the Fraternal Order of Police in August of 2019 in New Orleans.
Within the National FOP Joe led the committee which developed the first National FOP mobile app, free to all members. He also assists running the social media platforms for the National FOP and with media relations/responses.
You can follow Joe on Twitter @joegamaldi
Topics we discuss:

• “The importance of taking action.”
• The best energy drinks for those longs nights on patrol.
• Why politics matters for law enforcement.
• The reasons cops SHOULD join a union.

AFTER the episode:
• VISIT OUR Website: https://www.ontheblueline.com/

The On The Blue Line Podcast has a mission of creating a world where law enforcement life expectancies are EQUAL with the general population.


An On The Blue Line Media LLC production.

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