Treating depression: conventional help

1 year ago

For some people, depression has a physiologic origin. The wondrous instrument that is the human body is damaged. My advice is to visit a physician. A psychiatrist may be the best option.
In this video I am not going to approach clinical treatments or medication for depression. It is not of my competence. Is about the psychological component that I want to talk about today.

In my case, my depression phases have a physical component. My body is very sensitive to the change of seasons throughout the year. However, I also know that there are things in me, in my way of thinking, that exacerbate my emotions. Or maybe it is the opposite. Maybe it is the seasonal depression that exposes what already exists and is ingrained in me, ready to be healed.
In my opinion, the treatment of depression is made by ourselves. We can ask for help, but the healing is made by us and it is our responsibility. Healing is done simply by making peace with ourselves. And to make peace with ourselves, we have to change our perspective of reality. It is our way of thinking that is making us sick. Literally.

In depression there is a repetitive loop of thought. The thought can be about guilt, an inferiority complex, shame, rejection, the feeling of being useless, of being expendable, not deserving. And this loop has to be broken. That is the trick.
Talking to someone can help visualise different perspectives on our world. Often, just talking out loud what we think helps to review our way of thinking. At other times, it is the voices of the people around us that make us reassess our preconceived ideas.
Psychologists and other professional therapists have the training for asking the right questions. They don't give us the answers. The answers are found by us.
I believe the fastest way to overcome depression is through professional psychological help.
In certain cases, as I mentioned in other videos, medication may be necessary. This need may be permanent or it may be temporary. Medication can give us time and space to reassess our perspective on the world and ourselves.

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