Példaképnek és világvezetőnek nevezte Orbán Viktort Dave Rubin amerikai politikai elemző

11 months ago

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#fidesz #viktororban #orbánviktor

An American political analyst called Viktor Orbán a role model and world leader.

The Hungarian Prime Minister is gaining more and more fans in the United States. This is probably not a coincidence, since as Judit Varga explained in Texas, the woke ideology and the fight against illegal immigration connect the American and Hungarian national sides. Perhaps this could also be the reason why Dave Rubin directly called Viktor Orbán a role model.
There is a leader who calls for peace. He says that enough of financing the war is enough, everyone should calm down and respect the borders. He is the one who is called a fascist in the West, even though he was elected democratically and is extremely popular in his country," says Dave Rubin, an American political commentator with millions of followers, in a video shared by Balázs Orbán on his official social media page.

In a video published by the Prime Minister's political director, the speaker talks about Viktor Orbán, who calls for peace. Dave Rubin says of the Hungarian Prime Minister that he is one of the few voices in the world on the international stage who simply says:

What if we don't fund this indefinitely? Why is it that Western nations want to fund Ukraine fighting Russia endlessly, whether they think they (the Ukrainians) are defending themselves, whether it's partially justified, fully justified, or whatever... And as I often say, we can arm this man [Zelensky] with all the ammunition we want, give him F-15s, give them cluster bombs, and all the damn things. At the end of the day, Putin will always have nukes. So the idea is that we're going to defeat Putin militarily, that one day we'll all wake up and say, it's done, we've defeated Russia militarily, we've taken over, okay, but what happens after that? After Putin, worse is likely to come.

Dave Rubin confirmed it was just a crazy idea. He adds that he actually met this man, Viktor Orbán, who is acting. He also shared a photo of them together, which was taken in the Carmelite monastery. He also says in the video that the Hungarian Prime Minister emphasized to him several times:

I love my country. I want to protect my country. I don't think there is a need for these wars going on all over the place. I want to protect the borders of my country and the people who live there. Somewhere, within our own borders, they should think the same way.

Orbán Balázs:

Orbán Viktor facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orbanviktor
Orbán Viktor YouTube nem hivatalos: / @o1gorban1geniusz
Szijjártó Péter Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/szijjarto.pe...
Varga Judit Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VargaJuditMi...
Novák Katalin Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/csaladesifju...
Magyarország Kormánya: https://kormany.hu/
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