Lunchtime Chats episode 131: Mass awakening underway | Truths around history

11 months ago

This week's #LunchtimeChats​​​​ topic notes:

1:53 A story on current awakenings
4:43 The grieving process around letting go of what you thought was
8:13 Censorship hearings and the importance of having diplomatic oppositional conversations; manipulations behind the news soundbites
14:45 The inaccuracies around the indigenous we were taught in history and what some of the truths are; structures centered around control are about to collapse
19:50 Communities rally & help each other in difficult times
21:30 Channels sharing bits of approved narratives
23:00 Dreamtime shares- moving parts being prepared for big collapse
25:00 Off-grid communities in Mexico; the falsities of scarcity the structures program us
28:18 Psy-ops behind the extraterrestrial movement and the war narratives within it
33:11 False timelines and the distortions around major Cosmic agenda events (eg Orion War); Fluidity of ’Time’ - shifting timelines also shifts history from those events; we can connect to timelines where war narratives doesn’t exist
38:00 Indigenous leaders care-taking truths of history; they teach how to change timelines and how to navigate these transitions
40:48 Keeping fields outside of the matrix intact so it doesn’t get ‘poisoned’; the difference with engaging with people in or out of the matrix; narrative lies (overlays) we get programmed in get woven into our fields
43:00 How wayshowers can be pillars to those waking up via our open fields of truths
45:40 Certain narratives pending on region and location- testing grounds; alternative communities and the missing piece- regular connection within the community & everyone has a role that’s valuable
52:40 Pachamama always creating life, growth; keep moving towards your truth; the importance of being a caretaker of this reality and nature; build your community with others who share the same values

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Lunchtime Chats Purpose: To help others achieve self liberation, how to find your life purpose or soul purpose in life. We want to be a guidepost on how to empower yourself and others, how to awaken to your true power, how to design a life you love, how to be your most authentic self and how to see past illusion.

Lunchtime Chats is a weekly series by Lightbody Academy, where we personally guide others to unwind intuitive blind spots; bring healing and resolution to your lineage and ancestors; sharpen your inner compass and intuitive knowing; utilize dreamtime for personal healing and guidance; and cultivate an interconnected community around you.

Our overall goal is to help others through their ascension journey through training and workshops. If you are a multi-dimensional such as a starseed, lightworker, healer, intuitive, truth-seeker, then you will feel right at home with the Lightbody Academy community.

What differentiates Lightbody Academy?
Lightbody Academy provides experiential exploration of multi-dimensionality. This approach allows the experiencer to discover the truths from within their spirit that they are ready for at that moment. Wisdom can be known but not told. As that changes and evolves, we guide them through the navigation.

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