OnlyFans, Instagram or Snapchat for the degradation of the soul.

1 year ago

There are to many people whoring themselves out to strangers. Degrading themselves not knowing that while it may be in the privacy of their own home and not a big deal to them.

There are ramifications for putting the type of content up that you are.

1. Ask the numerous kids who's parents private lives have been exposed.
2. Thier kids bullied as the by product.
3. Teachers losing jobs and careers over wanting to make this content.
4. Women left broken and empty from seeking value from people who don't know them or care to get to know them.
5. The video however long, will live on the internet for forever.

You are willingly giving prices of yourself away, destroying what was made to be beautiful- and for what?

These practices, if you're using you body (which is not all you have been given) selling pics or vids of you in the act. Cheapen who you are, and whome your called to be, reducing you down to nothing more than a prostitute.

Consider the cost, which no one will tell you upfront as you have something they want and this is all they will see you're good for.

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