Heaven or Hell!?

11 months ago

If you are NOT sure where you would go, or need help to figure if you're a Good Person potentially worthy of Eternity.

The Ten Commandments are a great place to start.

1. You shall have no other gods before me.
What are you worshipping? Crystals, Addictions, Pornography etc.
2. You shall not create graven Images
Have you created alters for the creation, instead of the creator?
3. You shall not take the Lords name in vain
Would you use your mother or fathers name as a curse word?
4. Remember the Sabbath, keep it holy.
Have you forsaken the assembly of God?
5. Honor Mother and Father
Are you obedient to your mother and father?
6. You shall not Kill
Have you taken a life, Abortion counts as you will see.
7. You shall not commit Adultery
Adultery is any type of sexual relations before and outside of marriage.
8. You shall not steal
Have you ever stolen, regardless of how small you deem the value to be.
9. You shall not bear False Witness
Have you ever lied?
10. You shall not covet
Coveting it wanting something someone else has.

You can answer these questions by yourself, for yourself.. but, know this. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That being said it is NOT to late to seek forgiveness and repent for whatever you have done!

Be blessed.

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