Moving Mountains with Sasha - Casey Bell (Author, Playwright, Designer, Songwriter)

1 year ago

Sasha Talks celebrates global talents sharing their mission and higher purpose in life. Explore the journey of entrepreneurs, educators, authors, business professionals & drivers of humanitarian causes. Learn more at

Casey Bell is an author, playwright, screenwriter, poet, and A.S.C.A.P. songwriter. As an author he has published over twenty books in multiple genres from poetry to children to horror to non-fiction to young adult. His latest work, American History is a children's book series. He has also authored many plays one of which has been produced three times, twice for the stage and once as a play reading for YouTube. He has also produced a short film for YouTube. Casey Bell is also a member of A.S.C.A.P. as a songwriter. His motto in life is to be as unique as your fingerprints. Learn more about Casey here. Credit: Casey Bell, Theatre Art Life; Kreative Circle.

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