Moving Mountains with Sasha - Ron Richard (Inventor, Entrepreneur and Author)

11 months ago

Sasha Talks celebrates global talents sharing their mission and higher purpose in life. Explore the journey of entrepreneurs, educators, authors, business professionals & drivers of humanitarian causes. Learn more at

Ron Richard has been employed in the medical industry for over thirty-five years and has extensive knowledge and experience in respiratory, pulmonary, and sleep medicine. He began his medical career working in a respiratory department at a large teaching hospital in the Midwest. Upon leaving the medical center, he became involved in owning and operating home care companies, sleep laboratories, manufacturers, and distribution businesses. He's played an instrumental role in developing and designing several products used in the treatment and diagnosis of chronic health care conditions. He has launched over 40 major products resulting in sales of over $1B. Today Ron discusses his experiences in his first published book, "Someday is Today - Get Your Ideas Out of Your Coffee Cup and on the Market." Credit: Ron Richard, BLD Medical Consulting; Amazon

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