Daredevils Seek Thrills Riding Unicycles Down Mountains

7 years ago

These well-balanced wonders take their life in their hands as they ride down a mountain - on a unicycle. The discipline, known as 'muni' - an abbreviation of 'mountain unicycling' - sees the fearsome riders casually scoot their way along narrow crumbling ledges with little regard for the sheer drops on either side. Every May unicyclists descend on Moab, Utah, for the chance to pit themselves against the region's rocky red terrain. The extreme peddlers can be seen descending near-vertical slopes with nothing more to protect them than their own sense of balance.

Mountain Unicycling is a very challenging but on the other hand also a rewarding sport. It combines the finesse and precision needed to balance driving on one wheel only with the power and endurance needed to ride over rough terrain. MUni teaches balance, speedy reaction time and lots of concentration. Physically, MUni is an incredibly challenging sport. Unicycles are direct drive, so it is impossible to coast. That means you must always keep pedaling, uphill and downhill, which makes for a very good workout. You will certainly get in top fitness shape after just a few days of MUni’ing. MUni is especially appealing if you live far from the trails. A unicycle fits in any car boot, unlike most bicycles which need expensive and annoying racks. You can take a unicycle almost anywhere you go. Most of all, MUni’ing is fun! It is a good chance to spend some time outdoors in nature and have a great time doing it.

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