🇪🇺 EP President Roberta Metsola Presents AI Act Vote Outcome Before Council Talks 🇪🇺

1 year ago

EP President Roberta Metsola joins co-rapporteurs Brando Benifei (S&D, IT) and Dragoş Tudorache (Renew, RO) to present the outcome of the plenary vote on the AI Act, ahead of talks with the Council. The transcript is the result of an automated process. Please check against delivery.

Quelle: Copyright by Europäische Union

Media Center Link:https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/de/video/press-conference-by-roberta-metsola-ep-president-brando-benifei-sd-it-and-dragos-tudorache-re-ro-rapporteurs-on-the-ai-act-plenary-vote_I242467

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