Just The Tip #16 - Emotional Abuse (Ex-Partners)

1 year ago

He was “Emotionally Manipulative”🙄😂😂😂 ..no, you’re a narcissist who got away with allot as a daughter🤣. Now if the spotlight isn’t on you, you exhibit BPD and fail to realise the real danger visible to must dudes on a day-to-day basis.

- We are THE SAME in human dignity and respect.
- We are not the same responsibility wise, based on superiority. If this were untrue, their wouldn’t be seperate sports, social programs or ladies “perceived innocence” that can be weaponised socially.

Do you argue with your boss at work?👌🏾
Do you argue with anyone who is a superior?
Is your cooperation only valuable if I’m subscribed to your OF or issuing you Tax Paperwork? Buying doesn’t = genuine burning desire🙅🏾‍♂️

Why must my MEAT (Money Energy, Attention & Time) safety and well being need to be at risk? Otherwise, you’ll throw a titty fit and vow to make my life a living hell trying to ruin me “socially” being a Karen?🤣

There can’t be two people steering the car darling.👌🏾

FYI: social programs, family court, society, your friends (5+ males who linger in your DMs, gay mates, disgruntled single or married friends will welcome you into Trauma binding that will lie to you to your detriment) will save you. I will get “your a man”.. do what’s right.

Just bc your are 1st world safe, doesn’t mean gender roles not immediate war get circumvented.

Men are barely able to consider themselves as appeased to their duties as a man and boundaries you have little shame in exhorting. So biology is the guide if you really want stabilise bc you will remind me of my biological advantage one you leave, yet claim we are equal.😬👌🏾

Case on point: A Real Man won’t let you run his life into the ground behind your emotions. Respect is everything & if it’s missing, he’ll gap it bc he can’t afford the loss.

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