Do you know Signs that indicate the end times are approaching.

1 year ago

Signs indicate that the end times are approaching.
According to the apostle Paul, the last days will be marked by a significant increase in false teaching and deception.
These last days are characterised as "perilous times" due to the increasing evil and opposition to the truth.
Rebuilding a Jewish temple in Jerusalem, an increase in hostility towards Israel, and progress towards a global government may be indicators of the end times.
The very existence of the nation of Israel is an important indicator of the end times.
The 1948 recognition of Israel as a sovereign state was significant, as it fulfilled God's promise to Abraham and Ezekiel's prophecy.
God has given us sufficient information to prepare for the end times.
Instead of focusing on determining the precise timetable of the end of the world, we should endeavour to be discerning and wise.
The emphasis should be on preparing spiritually for Jesus' return.
We are commanded to yearn for the return of Jesus, as conveyed by the exclamation "Come, Lord Jesus" (Revelation 22:20).

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