"I am a storyteller": An ad lib introduction. (not-a-creator/tool of CREATION)

2 years ago

Welcome to my authentic experience.
Offering what value I can. Take what you will. Leave what you like, respectfully.
Artist Statement
Mother Nature is my muse. And, Human Nature my master. I see myself more as a conduit or translator of creative force rather than a creator. A tool of CREATION. And, I communicate the messages I receive in whatever form the UNIVERSE sees fit. I am a storyteller unbound by any one particular mode of expression, spontaneously capturing the beauty and truths unveiled in my view, and seeking to share these visions with the world.
As a “Multidisciplinary CathArtist”, I explore literary; musical; visual; performance; and digital arts in various ways and combinations. Self-perceived as an extreme manifestation of the human condition with an energetic connection to natural creation, I feel everything deeply and am driven by a need to communicate; identify; explore; express; connect; share; and, promote things of real value.
I aim to remind all that we are A PART OF, not apart from, CREATION. To reveal the value in things that we have abandoned; forgotten; deemed bad; wrong; or, otherwise judge too harshly. To find and illustrate the positive purpose in all things and experiences. In this increasingly isolating and unnatural world my hope is to move others to reconnect – with themselves, each other and their context. All of my work is intended to provoke thought; evoke emotion; and, move toward connection. My greatest goal is to be a channel through which Good Orderly Direction flows.
If would like to help support my work:

Check out my RedBubble shop

And, my Picfair page

Or, you can "Buy Me A Breath" at

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Follow me on Instagram @bystresscookie

Find links to all I do; upcoming events; and, more on my self-constructed website-in-progress

Thank you for your audience. ❤🙏

Intro/outro from my song "Remember When"

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