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What is a Woman? Sunday Morning Sermon: March 27, 2022.

2 years ago

Authentically sharing my thoughts.
Treading through a minefield... in the name of unconditional love...
I just tell the tale.
I don't say I like it.

What Is A Woman?

My Facebook post:

Sunday Morning Sermon.
I have to say, I have been finding this IDEOLOGICAL DEBATE, as have many natural women (CIS is NOT a label I chose. It is an academic term developed in an ideological bubble and thrust upon us in, frankly, a tyrannical fashion), quite offensive. PERSONAL IDENTITY AND POLITICS SHOULD NOT BE MIXED. Is this not a "church/state" issue? Was ideological indoctrination and imposition not what we have been trying to remove?
FTR, by my 20th birthday - the end of 1992, I had addressed my own "gender" issues as the feminist deconstructors were tearing everything apart before our eyes (ego-driven, amygdala ruled, fools; adopting/creating/displaying "toxic masculinity") and determined more than a few things during conversations in the Absinthe Pub & Coffee Shop at York University. (I learned far more through those experiences than I did in almost all of my classes; my Sociology course was too big to be invaded and hijacked by misogyny seekers. I had to drop my poetry course. One can only tolerate watching a 70 year old poet get steam-rollered by a trio of 19 year old feminist bullies for so long). Including the fact that I really didn't like being called "Breeder"; or, prying masturbating lesbians determined to "bed" me from dance floors in my duties as bar staff. And, as a very masculine WOMAN (that is how it is spelt), I have always found the determined; flagrant; and, now, ubiquitous vilification of Men as abhorrent as I am currently finding the erasure of Women.
Most relevant, I determined that, in the true context and application of what we were deconstructing IDEOLOGICALLY; and, are now IMPOSING as "gender" THEORY (look up the word, people), we are all "genderfluid".
I honestly believe that in the context of interpersonal relationships, this gender role disparity really began with the industrial revolution; our self-commodification. Prior to that and "The Enlightenment" (which i believe blinded most of us with entitlement) it really all about class.
Still is.
Stop it.
We are all HUMAN.
Made in the image of GOD
"... MALE AND FEMALE... " (Genesis 1:27 KJV)
End transmission
p.s. NONE of us are masters.
We are all SERVANTS.

Intro/outro from my song “Remember When”,
originally written on piano in 1984 after viewing “The Day After (1983)

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