Professional Portfolio Breakdown: Winners, Losers, and Hedging Strategies Revealed

1 year ago

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In this video, Jason Shapiro shares his CMR performance and trading insights from the past week. He highlights the interesting aspects of current trading system positions, including both winners and losers, as well as hedging. Jason discusses the short position on the British Pound and the reasons behind it, along with the subsequent stop-loss and resulting loss. He then explains the long Japanese Yen trade, which proved to be a profitable. Jason reflects on the risk-adjusted benefits of the CMR trading style, especially in comparison to trend followers. He also discusses the correlation between the Pound and Euro, leading to his realization of being effectively short risk. Jason shares his decision to hedge the position by buying stock indices before the CPI release, anticipating market movements. He concludes by summarizing the portfolio's performance for the week and explaining his thought process behind hedging strategies.

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