Sound of Freedom Opinionized

1 year ago

1. Provides basic understanding of Human Trafficking
2. Provides basic understanding of Don’t Trust/Talk to Strangers

1. Slow. This is both a positive and negative. It allows a person with no general understanding of human trafficking to pick up on it. It loses interest of those who understand it and are wanting to see the bigger picture.

2. Caring. It’s wonderful to see the kids reunite with their families. There is to much caring involved meaning its not showing the true dark colors to
Human Trafficking.

1. MK-Ultra Programming lots of Butterflies
2. Not enough distractions going on.

3. No Swearing as the film is not Rated R. Swearing is a true reality of human trafficking.

4. It doesn’t provide real darkness to Human Trafficking.

5. Demonic Symbolism everywhere. Voodoo, Witchcraft, Black Magic

6. Singing?? Those who are fortunate enough to make it out alive of human trafficking. 9 times out of 10 never trust another human being including their own family ever again. Victims aren’t singing in joy.

7. It glorifies Human Trafficking more than it does showing the
Sad Side of Human Trafficking.

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