The Needle’s Secret: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Vaccination Accidents

1 year ago

The Needle’s Secret: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Vaccination Accidents
Marc Girardot - science advisor, PANDA
Substack: Covid Myth Busters, Twitter: @GirardotMarc

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With excess disability and death up following the Covid vaccinations, health freedom advocates are up in arms about its contents – especially since their opaque nature requires whistleblowers and brave scientists to expose ever-creepier ingredients every few months – the latest being the SV-40 “turbo” carcinogen.

But what if most injuries stem not from the adjuvants, toxins, or Orwellian nano-particles, but rather from inappropriate delivery protocol into the muscle of patients? And what if the harm to billions stemmed from poor protocols developed by out-of-touch public health bureaucrats?

Think of the billions of humans worldwide who accepted participation in the Covid experimental jab at cattle calls, in huge lines of cars with the driver’s windows rolled down – or at pharmacies with technicians who had zero medical school training.

Or, what if the injector WAS a doctor, but who, like all medical students, receives at most one day of vaccine training in school… and is clueless about the grave injury risk from improper delivery into the body?

Panda is a consortium of advocates of a science-based approach to the Covid-19 crisis. Mr. Girardot, MBA, has consulted with executives in Pharma and the Automotive industry for 25 years and has a unique background in immuno-oncology working for a rare, universal anti-cancer DNA vaccine company.

His background though is first-and-foremost, C-suite level consulting in the automotive industry. These past 25 years, Mr. Girardot has applied root-cause analysis techniques developed by Toyota to unravel the mysterious dichotomy of vaccine harm: Why are some harmed, and some aren’t? He will introduce us to his Bolus Theory, which can explain many adverse events and many of today’s illnesses.

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