Care For God's Fruit-Trees by H A I, Chapter 1, The Power Of His Resurrection

1 year ago

The book now before the reader consists of a series of miscellaneous articles and sermons which have been written or preached at different times during recent years. They have been collected at the earnest solicitation of friends who have considered them to be of some value, and they are now sent forth with the sincere desire on the author’s part that they may be used of God in opening up some of the precious things of His Word to those who may have had limited opportunities for Bible study or who, in a busy life, may have passed over some of the things here emphasized. God’s Word is ever new to those who have learned to love and feed upon its precious pages. In these papers I make no claim for anything specially original, but I send them forth remembering the word, “To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe” (Phil. 3:1).

If God be pleased to use them to strengthen the faith of any, or to lead into a deeper knowledge of His truth—that truth which sanctifies in a practical sense—I shall feel abundantly repaid for the effort involved in their preparation.

H. A. Ironside
Moody Memorial Church, Chicago, Ill.
This book is presented on Down To Earth But Heavenly Minded Podcast by I W Risch

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