The Secret World of LA Street Artist 'Plastic Jesus’: MAKING MAD

7 years ago

Reclusive LA street artist Plastic Jesus – famous for building a wall around Donald’s Trump’s Walk Of Fame star – has broken cover to give a rare insight into his controversial work. The artist, who has been hailed as the Banksy of Los Angeles, hit the headlines in July when he built a miniature concrete wall around Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The wall was six inches high and featured barbed wire, tiny “keep-out" signs, and an American flag, a reference to Trump’s campaign promise to build a wall along the Mexican border. The mock-wall followed another anti-Trump stunt in May when the mysterious artist designed ‘No Trump Anytime’ parking signs that appeared in cities across the US.

Videographer / director: Joel Forrest
Producer: Crystal Chung, Nick Johnson
Editor: Joshua Douglas

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