Catching trout out of a PUDDLE?? (Fly Fishing)

1 year ago

Colorado Day 6 - The continued hunt for Rare Trout!

Cutthroat trout were the first trout species recorded by Europeans in North America. They are now divided into over a dozen sub species, most of which occupy less than 10% of their original range. The greenback cutthroat is not only one of the rarest subspecies of cutthroat, but also one of the rarest trout in the world. Recently Colorado made headlines when they recorded their first ever wildly reproducing pure strain greenback cutthroat trout. Which leads me to this video… Although the fish in this lake and it’s adjoining creek were once touted as being greenback cutthroat, these fish are actually not pure strain greenbacks and likely a hybrid of some sort. So I’ll let you be the judge… how much weight do you put in pure strain native fish? And how much does that effect where and how you fish?

I ended up catching a bunch of trout out of a tiny creek. The creek was full of a hybrid greenback cutthroat trout which was a blast to catch. The fly rod I used was a Renegade Black Series Combo in an 8'4" 3 wt. Most of the fish came off of a size 22 gnat. Any other questions just ask!

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