Mutton Kurma

10 months ago


Oil 2 tsp
fennel seeds
Cinnamon stick
Cloves 3
Onion 2 sliced
Salt to taste
Ginger a small piece
Garlic 4-5 cloves
Green chilly 6-7 -increase or decrease to regulate your spice
Coriander powder 1 tsp
Turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp
Black pepper powder- 1/2 tsp
Mutton- 1/2 kg
Grated Coconut- 1/4
Butter/ ghee
Shallots 4 cut to small pieces
Coriander leaves
Steps to follow
In a cooker, pour the oil
Once oil is heated put in fennel seeds, cinnamon stick and cloves.
Add the onion and salt. Sauté well
Make a paste of the ginger, garlic and green chilly
Add the paste and sauté
Add coriander powder, turmeric powder and the black pepper powder
Add mutton and mix well.
Close the cooker and wait for 3-4 whistles.
Meanwhile add coconut into a mixer grinder and make a smooth paste
Once the mutton cooks and the pressure of the cooker is released, open the lid and pour in the coconut paste. Mix well and keep on low flame
Heat a small kadai, and pour butter/ghee
put in the shallots/ onion. Wait until it turns golden brown.
Pour the tempering into the curry
Add coriander leaves and remove the cooker from the flame.
Your mutton Kurma is ready to be served

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