Government vs Healthcare - FGP#37

1 year ago

Certificate of Need laws are crippling the Georgia healthcare industry. They eliminate competition and allow the government to decide if a community "needs" a hospital, nursing home, or even a simple upgrade to a medical facility. By doing so, it raises the cost of healthcare while also lowering the quality and availability of healthcare in many areas around the state. These laws should be repealed immediately.

Guest: Brian Allen

Joining the LP in the fight are The Institute for Justice ( and the Georgia Public Policy Foundation (, as well as many others. You can read the nitty gritty details of C.O.N. laws here:

Brought to you by The Libertarian Party of Georgia
Twitter: @LPGeorgia
Instagram: @LibertarianPartyofGeorgia
Facebook: LPGeorgia

Produced by Peaceful Sea Productions
Instagram: @PeacefulSeaProductions
Twitter: @PeacefulSeaProd

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