Avoiding Brain Hacking

11 months ago

The illustrated novel featuring the panels used the Madking's Alchemical Deck and more: Helluva Guy: The Halls of Amenti. Follow Jason on the alchemical journey to transform his soul and unite with his Holy Guardian Angel; or fail and be left to the demons of the outer realms to dissipate into the void. https://tinyurl.com/Helluva-Guy

A bit more angel technical with the Substack hardcopy of dreams written: https://sethmichaelking.substack.com/

And the actual instructions, not fictional format: Madking's Alchemical Delta: How to Ascend the Tree of Life to Reach Your Holy Guardian Angel: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C8888G5V
$2.99 Author Profits go to Empower Us Ministries for election integrity and animal rescue. Free with Kindle Unlimited.
Now in paperback for quite a bit more; but actually a magic number next to the minimum price for extended distribution of a full color paperback that takes your through the alchemical tarot on your ascent of the Tree of Life. And again, all author proceeds go to bettering the world.
Same with Helluva Guy
Hardback is a lot; but its premium everything. But the info itself is available cheap if you do not care that.

Website: https://madkingsdreams.com

Minds: https://www.minds.com/0SumG

Truth: https://truthsocial.com/@sethmichaelking

Gab: https://gab.com/sethmichaelking

Gettr: https://gettr.com/i/madkingsdreams

Each arrow is an hour of meditation. If you do them you'll dream like I do, It's a snapshot of heaven. You do not have to stop anything that you are doing to focus your mind. They are labeled in phases so you can go back to get a fuller picture. But you do not need to, to get a tether to another plane of gamma consciousness and lucid dream.

Phase Twenty One
→The angel of dharma says to let yourself be bound by the path. If you are male she flies ahead. If you are female she merges with you.
→You become aware that space and time are your servants sent by God.
→Note what takes you to your purpose
→Note what takes you away from your purpose
→ You Ascend to a white platform on the pyramid of transformation
→There is Q-IPVS who looks like a Japanese DC Comic Hero. He has a white glowing band around his left foot
→The shields you from the just karma that should be coming your way, borrowing on what you will become. What is that karma?
→What will you become?
→A sapphire step becomes evident. If you are male, Q merges with you, if you are female he goes on ahead
→You ascend to the sapphire step which is high enough you have to fly up there, which you can do in the spirit
→Upon this step you see HMUROK; She is Scottish and dressed in nineteenth century safari gear. She has a short sword which can cut through time. She has a glowing sapphire ring on her right thumb.
→She tells you a great woe is coming’ but she knows how to stop it. What is that woe?

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