Mushroom Coffee vs Regular Coffee - Which is Better?

1 year ago

In the world over 2 and a quarter billion cups of coffee are consumed daily with 87% of Americans considering themselves either somewhat or fully coffee obsessed. So, it’s no surprise that coffee is a big part of many people’s lives. Recently, there has been a surge in popularity in mushroom coffee which is seen to be healthy. This video will investigate the benefits of both to see which one is more beneficial. Coffee is known for the amount of caffeine it has. The average cup of coffee contains about 95mg of caffeine, but it could go as high as 300mg. It’s a popular belief that caffeine gives us energy, but that is not altogether true. Caffeine simply blocks certain receptors in our brains that tell us when it’s time to sleep. This could be helpful, especially if we need to wake up early to go to work or to stay up and study for that important test. The downside is that too much caffeine can cause you to feel more anxious or jittery. Mushroom coffee provides about half the amount of caffeine at about 45mg. While having less caffeine than regular coffee, mushroom coffee provides extra energy without the added caffeine. The ingredients in some mushroom coffee brands actually enhance metabolism by increasing the metabolic threshold by increasing oxygen levels in the blood. This in turn provides us with more energy similar to exercise but without the fatigue that comes with it. Regular coffee contains a substance called acrylamide, which is a byproduct of the roasting process and is known to cause cancer. Commercial coffees are also one of the most heavily chemically treated foods in the world. According to the National institute of Health, the ingredients in some mushroom coffee brands are known to complement chemotherapy and radiation therapy by countering the side-effects of cancer, such as nausea, bone marrow suppression, anemia, and lowered resistance. It was also found that the polysaccharides in reishi mushrooms may help cancer-fighting immune cells, called lymphocytes, stay active. According to the NIH, around two-thirds of Americans have gut issues. There could be numerous reasons for this. A simple reason could be that that people are not getting enough fiber in their diets. Another reason is that people don’t have enough good gut bacteria. Regular coffee doesn’t help with either of these problems. When the coffee is brewed, the coffee beans are filtered out and with it, the beneficial fiber that contributes to healthy gut flora is also filtered out. Also, coffee is heavily treated with chemicals which can also kill the healthy bacteria in your gut. With mushroom coffee, the fiber isn’t filtered out and it supports the growth of healthy bacteria and contributes to healthy gut flora. Also, most mushroom coffee is organic, so it isn’t heavily treated with chemicals. While regular coffee can contain certain compounds that can help strengthen your immune system, you would need to drink around 3 to 5 cups a day to really reap any of those benefits. The downside to drinking that much coffee is that you can take in too much caffeine which could lead to other problems. Mushroom coffee tends to be extremely rich in antioxidants which support a healthy immune system. While drinking a single cup of coffee usually won't affect blood sugar, studies showed that drinking at least 2 cups of coffee daily increased blood sugar by 8%. This is due to the higher levels of caffeine. Mushroom coffee on the other hand seems to provide additional benefits over regular coffee. Reishi mushrooms were shown to have hypoglycemic effects which in turn can lower blood sugar. Cordyceps, which is another common ingredient in mushroom coffee seem to have a beneficial effect on insulin sensitivity which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Chaga, which is another common ingredient in mushroom coffee has anti-inflammatory properties. This is important since chronic inflammation is linked to diabetes. High blood pressure is common in the United Stated which an estimated 122 million people suffer from it and more than a billion worldwide. Blood pressure is called the “silent killer” for a reason. Heart-related deaths are the leading cause of death in the United States. High blood pressure is responsible for 12.8% of all reported deaths. Drinking 2 or more cups of regular coffee a day was shown to double the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Caffeine can cause a short but dramatic increase in blood pressure. It was reported that reishi mushrooms help protect the heart and reduce the risk of heart disease by improving cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Cordycepss has a positive effect on the treatment of arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, by possibly regulating certain pathways in the cells of the heart. Inflammation is at the root of every chronic disease and illness that we suffer from. Inflammation is our body’s natural defense against certain stress whether internal or external. Inflammation over a long period of time can lead to other serious health problems. I’ve talked a lot about the downsides to drinking regular coffee. If the coffee is 100% organic, it may also help to lower inflammation to the antioxidants in it. Mushroom coffee also has antioxidants. The antioxidants in mushroom coffee are much higher and do a better job at fighting off free radicals as well as aiding antioxidant enzymes in the body to break down harmful molecules. Due to caffeine levels in coffee, it may increase alertness, energy, and concentration. The negative effects are anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia. Lions Mane, which is a main ingredient in mushroom coffee has been shown to improve mental clarity, focus, and memory retention. Lions Mane contains compounds that stimulate the growth of brain cells. Turkey Tail which is another ingredient in some brands of mushroom coffee have immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties which have been shown to be neuroprotective, according to the Alzheimer’s drug discovery foundation. Research shows that the more caffeine a person drinks, the more calcium is excreted from the body. Since calcium is the main mineral component in bone, this could create a calcium imbalance and stop bone formation. According to the NIH, Mushroom Extracts Decrease Bone Resorption and Improve Bone Formation which is important in preventing osteoporosis. Accordingg to the NIH coffee consumption reduces fat accumulation and collagen deposition in the liver. If the coffee is 100% organic. If the coffee isn’t organic, the impact on the liver could be negative. The main function of the liver is to regulate chemical levels in the blood and excrete a product called bile. This helps carry waste from the liver. Because the main functions of the liver are filtration and detoxification, it isn’t hard to see that regular coffee; being one of the most chemically treated foods in the world could put strain on your liver. Mushroom coffee on the other hand is usually organic. Reishi mushrooms, which are common in mushroom coffee, is rich in adaptogens and help prevent liver disease and improve liver function by helping wastes and toxins to be flushed from the body more efficiently. As we all know, coffee is high in caffeine. Caffeine affects collagen synthesis and production. This could lead to dehydration and loss of skin elasticity which leads to wrinkles. Mushroom coffee is jam-packed with antioxidants which decrease oxidative stress in your body. This in turn can increase both protein and collagen synthesis which can help your skin look younger. Also, the positive effects that mushroom coffee has on your nervous system, it can help keep you sharp and stave off cognitive decline. Proteins are made up of chemical building blocks called amino acids. Amino acids are used in the body to build and repair muscles and bones as well as make hormones and enzymes. Protein is one of the most important things in our diet. Regular coffee doesn’t contain protein. Mushroom coffee on the other hand does contain the necessary amino acids to make a complete protein. We all know that drinking coffee close to bedtime is a bad idea. It’s no secret. Coffee contains a generous amount of caffeine that can keep us awake. Most mushroom coffee contains reishi that helps promote relaxation and helps to balance the body's stress response. This in turn helps to improve sleep quality. Basedd on 14 different metrics, mushroom coffee is clearly superior to regular coffee in every area. Mushroom coffee seems to accomplish what we want normal coffee to do but falls short. The downside to mushroom coffee over regular coffee is mostly the price. Mushroom coffee is on average 2 to 3 times more expensive. But in the long run, it may be worth it to you. What makes mushroom coffee so beneficial is that it contains ingredients all with different health benefits. Chaga: Helps fight Cancer, Boosts Immune System, Reduces inflammation, Helps with blood sugar, Helps lower cholesterol. Reishi: Boosts Immune System, Helps fight cancer, Boosts Energy, Combats Depression, Contributes to heart health, and Helps control blood sugar. Maitake: Helps fight Cancer, Helps lower cholesterol, Helps with Diabetes. Shiitake: Contributes to heart health, Boosts Immune System, Helps fight cancer, Contributes to bone density. Lion’s Mane: Improves Memory, Focus, Helps repair and keep the nervous system healthy, Contributes to heart health, Helps with diabetes, Helps fight cancer, Boosts Immune system, Contributes to a healthy gut, Reduces inflammation. Cordyceps: Enhances athletic performance, Helps with aging, Helps fight tumors, Helps with diabetes, Contributes to heart health, and Reduces inflammation. Turkey Tail: Boosts Immune System, Can aid in cancer treatment, Restores Gut Health, Enhances Athletic Performance, Helps keep Bones Strong, Brain Function, Has Anti-Aging Properties, and Helps Control Blood Sugar. Agaricus Blazei: Boosts Immune System, Contributes to Digestive Health, Has Anti-Aging Properties, Promotes Liver Health

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