Q&A Webinar from July 26th, 2023

1 year ago

In this webinar, Dr. Cowan discusses the following:

Our New Biology Clinic (https://newbiologyclinic.com/) is growing and we are in need of hiring an additional practitioner. If you have mentored with Dr. Cowan, or know the principles of the new biology and are interested in joining our staff, please email customersupport@drtomcowan.com to inquire.

- A discussion on melanoma, cancer, aspartame, and antibiotics

-A few questions that Dr. Cowan would ask the candidates

- A Q&A session; topics include:
1. If a doctor told your loved one to take a full-strength aspirin every day after bypass surgery and that loved one asked you what he/she could do instead, what would you recommend?
2. Have you taken a closer look at our gut microbiome?
Are there both good and bad bacteria, or is it only bacteria?
3. Can you guide me to resources for effective and real treatment to cure and heal gum disease, receding gums, and cavities?
4. I have a question about bentonite clay. I've been reading about its uses as a detoxifying agent, but I also noticed that the clay itself is predominantly made of aluminum. How does it work? Doesn't the aluminum get absorbed by the skin or when taken orally?
5. I would like some thoughts on the information regarding biological warfare in our history. There is much indicating they have released weapons from airplanes, and they included bacterial toxins which spread to other areas and or countries. Please address this when possible.
6. What are your thoughts on DMSO?
7. Does Dr. Cowan have any suggestions on what to use for infected insect bites when manuka honey isn't working?
8. I came across some information stating that our stomach actually creates baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and not hydrochloric acid to aid in the digestion of our food. I did manage to find some obscure sources that backed this up, however, it was difficult to find more information.
Could you speak on this subject?
9. I read your book "Cancer and the New Biology of Water". It makes sense that the Quinton isotonic ocean water would create a balance of minerals in our body and would build the gel or structured water in our body. What about vitamins? A lot come from food, but the soil is so depleted from farming practices that produce is depleted of vitamins. Since it's difficult to get sufficient amounts from food, I take vitamin supplements. What is your thinking on vitamins?
10. Recently I saw a video of Putin where he talked about biological weapons. In that context, "weapons" targeting variations of the ACE2 receptor were mentioned. You have talked about ACE2 in the past. How real is it?

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