1 Thessalonians 07 The Rapture 4:13-18

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Good afternoon SBC Family and Friends,

I've attached the notes for tonight. Many of you will be interested in studying the rapture, and particularly the timing of the rapture. I'm going to show you the four basic views and why pre-tribulation rapture is the best view. Fundamentally, all the views believe the rapture occurs before the day of the Lord. The issue is, when does the day of the Lord begin? All the views claim it begins at a different time, a time that supports their view. The criteria for the beginning of the day of the Lord are very clear in 1 Thess 5:2-3 and 2 Thess 2:2-3. The general condition on earth when it begins is "peace and safety." The specific conditions that must have been met are "the apostasy first and then the revealing of the man of lawlessness." If these conditions are not met then the day of the Lord has not begun. When are these three conditions met in the future? That is the real question. Only one view makes good sense.

Why is this important? Because we need to know if we will be on earth during the anti-Christ's reign of terror or not. If we are then we should be preparing to live under his authority and face some or all of the events described in the seals, trumpets, and bowl judgments of Revelation. If not then we should not worry about preparing to live in that time. This changes your whole outlook on life.

I hope to see you tonight!

Grace to you,



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