Femme Fatale, Inverted (Hollywood Homicides)

9 months ago

Twenty-one murders in Hollywood (West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Santa Monica, Studio City)



Peter Seller's fourth wife Lynne Frederick:

1) Jean Harlow, 26, acute barbiturate poison
2) Elizabeth Short, 22, Gladio Bayonet
3) Marilyn Monroe, 36, acute barbiturate poison
4) Sharon Tate, 26, Gladio Bayonet
5) Abigail Folger, 25, Gladio Bayonet
6) Rosemary LaBianca, 39, Gladio Bayonet
7) Diane Linkletter, 20
8) Connie Monte, 31, acute barbiturate poison
9) Inger Stevens, 35, acute barbiturate poison
10) Janis Joplin, 27, acute barbiturate poison
11) Gia Scala, 38, acute barbiturate poison
12) Jenny Maxwell, 39, gunshots
13) Dominique Dunne, 22, strangulation
14) Rebecca Schaffer, 21, gunshot
15) Nicole Brown Simpson, 35, Gladio Bayonet
16) Lynne Frederick, 39, acute barbiturate poison
17) Nerine Kidd Shatner, 40, acute barbiturate poison, drowning
18) Margot Hemingway, 42, acute barbiturate poison
19) Amie Harwick, 38
20) Lindsey Pearlman, 43, acute barbiturate poison
21) Ashley Ellerin, 22, Gladio Bayonet

Six deaths by NATO Gladio swords
Nine deaths by acute barbiturate poison
Seven victims were the children of Military INTEL parents.

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