Bull Snake Rescue - Escape From A Tangled Garden Net

1 year ago

As in Baby Swallows, this guy was scaling the damn coal shed wall on its way to a Barn Swallow nest and the several too-young-to-fly babies. Then got hopeless trapped/entangled for its trouble. Luckily for the Bull Snake, it had the miracle of me even NOTICING it. Don't think it was in there long but could have been a bad way to go, hanging there until it dried up.
It was also lucky I didn't follow a lot of guff later by not just shooting it. Bull snakes are mostly beneficial (tho recent studies have debunked its rumor to eat a lot of rattlesnakes is only occasional). I just saw a life form in distress ... and one that might bite but not, oh I don't know, KILL ME. Plus, although not certified in years, I did take an oath as an EMT (and moral stand besides) to help out if at all possible. I was sure damn well helped many times, including those times that the helping agent wasn't obligated or needed to. Part of the responsibility for being out close to wildlife too, I guess. Notes:
1. Not shown: 20 minutes of looking out window, hoping against all logic and reason that it would somehow magically extricate itself.
2. I'm not snake phobic. Encountered rattlers in deserts before but always seemed less cover/easier to see (duh). Oh, the Creep Factor had definitely raised since being out here and SO MANY of 'em. No longer feel like being in the water an hour after watching JAWS but always on alert. Picked up thin Garter Snakes as a kid. Here I will never forget the warm, squirmy FEEL of a big one.
3. Was too close at time but on review, its size, squirming and reflexive alarm bells from the color pattern yet ring and find disturbing.
4. #3 aside, struck me how small and pathetic it's fangless little mouth was compared to body. Even its strike attempts look a little sad. Won't lessen the alert but that kind of brought them down to Earth a bit.
5. The rubber gloves were absurd but out of fear. Felt like idiot once I just grabbed the head as needed and took care of business the first minute. Debut serpent patient, though.
6. Couple weeks passed; Swallow brood successful. Swarming and soaring about, scooping up skeeters and poising for family perch portraits. Two broods the standard; may be another on way. FTR the coal shed door should be closed but left open when nest began so there y'go for the rest of the season.

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