Hunter Biden Hearing Turns Into Chaos

1 year ago

As we went live this morning, Hunter’s “sweetheart” plea deal appeared to be falling apart as his court appearance began. The judge had accused his legal team of “misrepresentations” to the court.
The hearing was chaotic with both the DOJ and Hunter’s lawyers seemingly unable to answer the judge’s questions, even threatening to scuttle the deal entirely themselves. It has since been reported that the judge refused to accept the plea deal citing constitutional concerns about how the deal was structured. Hunter has now entered a plea of not guilty, all but ensuring that the high profile case against the President’s son will go to trial in what will continue to be a highly politically charged case.
But what’s truly astonishing is that Hunter Biden’s legal team found itself in hot water after a member of his legal team allegedly misrepresented herself as a Republican attorney to have an important filing from actual GOP lawmakers which urged the court to consider the allegations made by the IRS whistleblowers of political interference in the investigation removed from the docket. The judge accused Biden’s legal team of tricking the court and threatened sanctions.
It’s clear that the DOJ and Hunter’s legal team did not have an understanding as to the nature and scope of the immunity to be granted through the plea deal. Today’s chaotic hearing leaves more questions than answers – answers the American people need and deserve.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis of this breaking update in the Hunter Biden case as it unraveled. We will continue to monitor the case to see where it leads, now that Biden has pleaded not guilty, this case looks to be heading to trial. We’re also joined by ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs, and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss the news we reported earlier this week that the FBI illegally spied on a sitting U.S. Senator.

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