Day 9- 14 of Neptune Gong Challenge: Rusty joins me and Wants Us All to Learn How to Play

11 months ago

Connecting to your playful side with the sounds of Neptune Gong. For the next seven days, I invite you to play and see how that feels in your body.

The Neptune gong resonates at the approximate musical note of G#. Neptune represents oneness, unity, unlimited boundaries and water.

The planet Neptune rules over the watery subliminal parts of our consciousness. Its vibration rests in the world of dreams, visions and a spiritual longing for oneness with the whole. The Neptune gong creates a sound bath that addresses a weak will, manifested by a desire to go with the flow and dissolve into anonymity rather than do the tremendous work of individuating amidst a sea of information and influences.

To learn more about Sound Alchemist Julie Jewels Smoot visit her website and check out her podcast Modern Sound Healing with Julie Jewels Smoot.

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