Donald Trumps Accomplihments as President 141-160 of 596. vote for PROVEN BEST: THE Donald 2024

1 year ago

Everyone LOVE's THE Donald, (that's an American saying) every since 1970. By far THE BEST president that shows his total LOVE for America & the American people or his America FIRST ALWAYS agenda. Donald Trumps accomplishments as president from 141 to 160 of 596. please do not believe one word I say or post by all means go to where I got this info as the PROOF that it is right from the White house records. this is just a copy past from: I put this web address here so you too can see the FACTS as they are the records for Donald J Trumps accomplishments as president! copy then past this in your address bar:

Under the Joey black eye on America they did 28 things in the 8 years of the Joey "Obama's" administration & they were LOW level things if at all for America.
The COMMUNIST Democrat party focuses more on the sanctuary city's (NOW as of 1-20-21 Joey's OPEN boarders) to go ABOVE American law & let ALL the other communist people from there communist country, there jails & there prisons into America WITHOUT any type of American law. its because the Democrat party shows they are ABOVE the American law!
The communist Democrat party's America LAST agenda & ALL other COMMUNIST country's FIRST IF America at all! ALWAYS ABOVE AMERICAN LAW party.
Joey's communist democrat above the law party HATEs America & its American people so much SANCTUARY CITY's were NOT Above the American law enough so Joey being ABOVE American law OPENED the American BOARDERS as he accepted presidency on 1-20-21.

The Donald did 596 GREAT THINGS in his FIRST 4 years & mostly vary HIGH level things that should have been done decades before!! by all those other so called presidents! mostly for America & the American people.
The Donald, Donald J Trump & the Trump administration always followed & respected American law & of course made it way STRONGER then before! as it did to EVERYTHING else in America! = MAGA = Make America Great Again!!! USA, USA, USA. America FIRST ALWAYS!
Donald J Trump as president was the FIRST president to really make a HUGE difference in America security by building the WALL to secure the American people & our boarders, WOW! what a GREAT president, THE BEST EVER president.
Donald J Trump is a TRUE American that is a FACT! he never accepted any type of payment as president & donated his presidents salary 100% to worthy areas of interest for America! & its people.
NEED to VOTE for Donald J Trump to make this all happen again & again!

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