The Devastating Consequences of the “Green Revolution” in Africa

1 year ago

Anyone who studies the behavior of pubescents more closely will find that this stage of development, as difficult as it can sometimes turn out to be, is also positive as adolescents question both traditional and current instructions. If you examine the development of mankind more closely, there is no doubt that it also stands in a puberty-phase right now. Mankind increasingly no longer believes in the fairy tales of politics and the leading media and questions their orders as well. Mankind is becoming aware that it is being mucked around by unscrupulous people obsessed with power.

Here is an example:
Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation, which are both closely associated, founded the “Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa” in 2006. This organization vowed to double the income of 30 million African smallholder farmers by 2020.

Bill Gates is constantly being portrayed as a philanthropist, but what does the actual balance of his efforts look like in 2021?

Because of their total dependence on licensed seeds, artificial fertilizers and pesticides, especially from the chemical company Monsanto, countless African smallholders were unable to repay the “generously granted” loans due to crop failures and were consequently ruined.

Monocultures of genetically modified maize have pushed local varieties of millet, cassava, and sweet potatoes, which have stood the test of time, and the associated brisk small-scale trade out of the markets, hence destroying the livelihood of many African smallholder families.

The only person who could make a substantial profit out of the highly praised “Green Revolution” was obviously the already super-rich “philanthropist” and Monsanto’s major shareholder: Bill Gates!

from gr. / hm.

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