Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series with Marjie Hadad - 07.26.23

1 year ago

Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series, welcomed to today’s podcast, Wednesday, July 26, 2023, Marjie Hadad. Marjie is an international public relations expert, the general manager of Must Have Communication & Consulting, an author, an award-winning TV producer, as well as a coach and a speaker on how to apply public relations strategies to parenting, life and careers. Marjie is the Author of the Book: The Power of PR Parenting / How to Raise Confident, Resilient, and Successful Children Using Public Relations Strategies, which was published in April, 2023.

With 30 years of PR experience, Marjie certainly is an expert in her field; however, she freely admits she had no idea on how to write a book. The thought of course came to her when she had a conversation with her daughter seeing her friends in their professional relationships and how to balance that out with their personal lives and her daughter’s response was “you did it Mom”. Marjie enlisted the assistance of her publisher, Muse Literary and her story development coach.

The Power of PR Parenting is more than just a book on parenting. It’s a glossary, your go-to resource and so much more! From the introduction in her book, you feel as though Marjie is sitting across from you at a coffee shop; friend to friend - that’s how I knew this was going to be an amazing story with practical advice and strategies. [Full disclosure, I’ve only read about ½ of her book - and I can’t wait to finish reading it - of course, it’s THAT GOOD!]

While no parent is perfect, what Marjie gets across to her readers is that it’s more of a relationship on how we react or in some cases, the lack thereof. She gives practical advice from both points of view and when a crisis happens, how she relates that to her PR background in my opinion is astounding. There is always a lesson to be learned and “you just deal with it. And yes, it can be learned.”

What is even more impressive, at the beginning of each chapter, she informs the reader of what they will learn in that particular chapter and at the end of said chapter, you can apply the PR strategies she has outlined by scanning the QR Code with access to the workbook that will walk you through the process.

To connect with Marjie further and to purchase her book, please check out her website and various social media platforms:

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. Also, do you have a story you want to share? If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.

Thank you Marjie - “Truly” these are the Stories That Inspire Us!!

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