Entering Our Soul ROOM: to re-enable disabled, hidden and blocked tools

1 year ago

You ARE a PORTAL of God-Source energy, and now is the time to use this and work out what to do with it!


“It” got personal, 20 years ago when it swallowed-up my children, took them away into space which pretended it was churchly, but which actually did its level best to separate my children from me, their Source connection and their innate, exquisite creativity.

Know what I did?

I launched into making that WRONG a RIGHT: I devoted my entire energy to developing work for children which would bring them proper harmonious contact with their Inner Being, ensuring them access, trust, confidence and love with their CREATIVE SOURCE- God.

It has got personal again.

I KNOW all about the darkness waging its rage against humanity- I have studied and written about healing its ways for decades. But now I am ACTING upon it with all the deliberate tools in my Full Human potential!

And YOU here, reading this, are a part of this!

INSPIRITION: the name I received for my band= to enliven and encourage. Well, that beautiful name is what I shall be doing with you:

sign up below. there is no cost ( of course you can donate to me if you like)

I will be training you ,reminding, inspiring and encouraging you, HOW you can use your CONSCIOUSNESS, your IMAGINATION, your heart, soul and mind, to AFFECT CHAGE in the spiritual realms.
Those are all the realms we cannot touch with our fingertips and pronounce to be ‘real”. They ARE very real.

Change that ENERGY-STUFF, and you trigger WHOLE AVALANCHES of change.
Isabel Aimee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
My post about Planetary change through the IMAGINATION and SOUL-TOOLS? here is the link to join in this work:

Topic: INSPIRITION: Activating Human Potential 8pm GMT session
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Meeting ID: 827 9778 2914
Passcode: P0xg9T

You can message me on this page http://www.inspirition.biz/energising-human-potential.html using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

http://www.inspirition.biz for my books, course, and music

This session with Kari Star https://www.facebook.com/CosmicKariStar
2.45 Let’s imagine this: we are in our SOUL ROOMS
3.30 I am in a lovely oval room- the room representing the wardrobe of my earthly soul
and we will look for things which are
Hidden and
4.30 Kari shares about the insights with Russia and the promotion of families which is taking place. We talk Anastasia and her rightful place in the story and the ways of synchronicity to weave everything together
8.00 Starting with “Disabled” elements in our soul room Kari finds a microphone. I find postcard-holder of people…..”people-catcher”.
11.30 Kari finds a yoga mat and remembers her earlier life, but stating how technology gets in the way
12.40 doing a quick body scan to find out what AI might be planted there. We find a net- a pyramid ‘golden’ net over her head and shoulders.
14.00 We find something at her foot…a large bug, which we put in a cloth to talk to later.
15.30 the net, form AI, built its way through Kari form the internet. Kari removes it: we send it back to Source for recycling through a zip-portal. Kari can command and demand anything from it because it was in her space.
She knows nature connection is missing- and realises her pineal is hijacked. We find a golden wiggly cord which had got into her pineal gland. We generate a beautiful essence to give it back its radiance. i becomes radiantly powerfully beautiful.
18.00 We send the AI net back through a zip-portal
18.30 ‘chatting’ with the bug….”letting the past creep back up into me”- regarding the client coming over later…
19.50 Removing the net allows Kari’s energy to now flow all the way to her feet. Sometimes AI bugs enter through internet and electronic frequencies. We clean out the ‘bugs’ and amp up her auric field to below the ground and above her head.
22.15 We look at the “people net”: I like to be very independent, no codependence. I don’t like ‘fandom” I want to empower you to have your own power. But this is a collection of interested beings, and I acknowledge that I need to have people recognising what I do. I ask Kari what she sees.
24.31 Kari says, she, “realises the empowerment she gets from you, your high vibration, just knowing you’re my friend it’s just…touching heaven. And the more people that can come to you and read your books and touch that place of heaven and know that we’re creating it and being able to do these processes that you walk me through, and watching you walk other people through them; it’s going to be incredibly valuable for people who understand the quantum physics of it. They understand the nature of what we’re doing…and to have a community that does that.”
25.0 “and then work it into some world prayers where different people lead…you help teach people to do world prayer with your techniques, and then they go out there and do them.”
25.30 Because e haven’t remembered so much that its possible..
26 I am associating something negative with this- an attachment issue that I’ve experienced. I touch it and ask: Why have I put this into disabled mode?
“There is a frequency emitted for it which I didn’t respect.”
26.45 Kari was happy i invited her in, without the need to pay money. We talk about how money was used as structure to put people behind walls, separating people from each other- just like the 6’ mark. The only way I want to operate is on a donation system or in an exchange manner, because I don’t want to experience those limitations, those walls, those compartmentalised systems (why I was a seeing a mesh with people on it)- matrix systems.
27.00 I want there to be flow and natural sense operating- not a specific cost. My spirit seems to all at that. Where lawyer earns 250,000 and a teach, 24,000 how can you say a product has to be worth a set amount? It needs to be a flow of money based upon integrity so that if someone feels moved, they can give me wealth and physical abundance through donation.
29.00 Kari wonders too and the one thing may well be found to link to the other, synchronistically.
29.40 Big influx of energy
30.00 The pyramid was to limit the outreach of Kari’s aura and her heart. If someone is in the vicinity to you, they can feel you.
31 Kari talks showers and what stops her form taking better care of herself. I explain as a fire element , sometimes i don’t want water on me- there are many ways to clean ourselves- witch hazel for example.
31.45 We now have a special “solar torch/flashlight” to look for the things we have hidden from ourselves.
32.30 I find a jug- I like jugs. Then I find a ‘stash of cash”- a little hessian bag with golden coins in it.
33.00 Kari sees a giraffe. They reach high and are very gentle.
33.20 I find my old Raggedy Anne doll.
33.40 Kari finds some old toys to play with
33.50 I find the “white shirt of my boyfriend”
34.00 likening this process tot he GESTALT system to “talking’ to the five elements of your dream and then you find the last, sixth element to gain information from dreams.
35.11 We start with the giraffe: Touch it and say, “what is your true nature, show yourself to me”
35.55 Kari sees someone hugging her.
36.00 What does the giraffe look like. A real animal, looking at Kari. You can talk to it. It has a high view. We ask it what he or she can see.
36.45 It is seeing an expanse of a city, over 100,000 people.
37.00 telling Kari if she asks her question out loud, it helps her consciousness take it in more.
37.50 About reaching the community.
38.30 Kari could just start talking to more people: she sees the UNITY church where she wold like to go and meet people.
39/30 Kari is feeling she is just about ready….book, podcast and now setting up a regular session for people.
39.58 Because i keep going, no matter who shows up…..
40.25 What about going out and make contact with real people….I recall playing gigs with my band to eight people in the audience. Setting momentum.
41. we now understand a lot more about what we are up against….
41.25 every time I talk about auric fields charging up, the light changes and gets brighter :D
42. we ask the giraffe what it still has to tell her: “I am always looking out for you Karen.”
42.30 The giraffe is George…
42.5- Grandpa’s name was George. Hold onto he giraffe and ask him whether he has anything to do with her grandpa. “Yes, I am watching for you.”
I ask does he live in Kari’s Soul room or is he just coming to visit. He can see well where it’s not so easy for Kari to see.
44. “well hallo George, nice to have met you!” Kari had a grandparent with that name…
45.00 Looking at my jug and stash of cash. I love jugs. It’s an abundance thing, happy to our out of it. That’s the reason I like it. “ The ability to put out to the world to others…..keeping it hidden” I touch the jug: “We are an instrument of your powerful source energy, reminding you that you can do a little more than you think you can.”
Is there anything I can get from this? I can take the jug every day and your it over myself- it’s the cornucopia of abundance. And this just activate something in the back of my head.
47.35 Stash of cash: Kari gets. Throwing money up in the air and it falling down all around me. The hessian bag is always full of gold coins and every day i can your it all around me so that I can wealth active in my auric field so that i activate the resonance of that.
49.27 We look at the”the white shirt of my boyfriend”. For me, it symbolises I can wear his shirt now because we have spent time together….it implies a physical proximity….
50.00 I resolve to put one of his t-shirts on me every morning ( virtually) just as I pour the cornucopia over me…
We chat …
55.00 “The Passage to Infinite Creation.” - the ability to see and create the future….
56.30 Kari’s ancient beautiful floor. Hands on the wall and the wall disappears: expanding int a very big space with huge column of light in the middle. like a temple.
58.19 “We went shopping in the right place.”
58.30“Kari, you are going to do this with people, with couples- you know the couples that can’t conceive because the love isn’t flowing properly? You’re going to take them into their future versions of themselves…for them to see the blockages, they’ve been keeping, the false personalities, you’re going to use every single tool of this ”

59.00 “I’m having these centres ( that I’ve always dreamed of) we need them everywhere; places for children to come to- some of who are seriously damaged, but others who just need to know a new system, who are actually home-schooling, but they want the inspiration and the impetus to start thinking and working g in very very different ways. So these are going to be glorious, rich, natural environments; perfectly structured for children to have resonance learning in, in experiential play. And they are going to be there for healing these children and they are going to be linked to those amazing EE systems that Scott McKay and Jason Shurka are promoting …..can you imagine having these magical places? In every state, you can have one of these places and you can come and stay for three weeks and just absorb how you could be a fully fledged soul incarnated child……You can come and stay with your parents and your family: they learn and they see and they pick it up and they say “Oh My God, how exciting!” and they take it home and they develop it and the neighbourhood kids start joining in. And soon everything is completely changed and totally restructured to education and opening of the soul. I am so excited about it!”
1.00 Kari “But all the adults need that training too!” - you would have to have a two-sided ‘thing’, like a yin and yang system, wouldn’t you? Because adult play is different from child play. There is a lot of overlap….and you can come in and lecture in the adult play zones…
1.1017 if you have a system like the EE, which can help you recalibrate back to your natural authenticity, you and I know we can do it anyway through spirit, but those tings help, they are very useful, because it’s a field, calibrated to enable you to pick up were you left off, to re-route back into yourself. - Why not use that, if its existing and its a brilliant thing?

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