The Fringe Minority Report #168 National Citizens Inquiry Saskatoon

11 months ago

The National Citizens Inquiry testimony of Nadine Ness, a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer who refused the covid vaccine. She began by talking about the effects the lockdowns and restrictions had during her pregnancy. Despite having a rare medical condition that requires a mask exemption, she witnessed the worst in humanity. Nadine endured being yelled at, name calling, and being pushed out of a store while pregnant. She describes one heartbreaking experience where she fainted after the manager harrassed her. Later that afternoon, she had a miscarriage.
When her daughter Bria started experiencing bullying from her own teachers about her vaccine status, she started the group Unified Grassroots. Members include all professions, citizens, doctors, and scientists. The group has over 14,000 members, and more than 450 of them are teachers. As the spokesperson for the group, she spoke with Premier Scott Moe, offering to build a relationship with the province. Instead, the group was smeared by the media, and Nadine received death threats. Then her husband, a doctor, also came under attack and threatened with losing his license.
She tells of another painful experience during a hospital visit, in which doctors and nurses put their personal political views ahead of their patients' care. To be intentionally denied care or endure any type of abuse during a routine exam is unethical and inhumane.
Nadine continues to be outspoken and active in her group, the United Grassroots.

The covid restrictions and mandates hurt many Canadians. Please listen to their stories.

All original material was collected from the National Citizens Inquiry testimony site.

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