Be Not Deceived

11 months ago

The most prominent work of Satan and especially in the last is deception. In this lesson, we focused on a portion of this lie ministry.

One fundamental truth that we hold dear as Believers is that we have received remission of sins through faith in Christ, it is a blessing of God. It is a central theme in the gospel that sins of adherents are forgiven. Not only this, sin is not held over us any more because God is not counting sin against us.

Yet, this liberty must not be used to serve self. We enjoy the freedom it gives in honour of the Father who forgave all our sins living the life God has called us to in holiness and the fear of God.

However, the idea that we can serve God and serve self in all manner of fleshly workings at the same time is devilish. It is buying the lie of Satan free of charge. And the Bible instructs the man in Christ to resist this lie.

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