Despotism - "a government or political system in which the ruler exercises absolute power"

11 months ago


This is where we are heading, if the Misinformation Bill, gets passed.

When there are rules of censorship which only apply to the citizens, while the government and media are exempt and allowed to spread disinformation, you know democracy, along with your rights, have been successfully stripped.

We are here folks, this is what a tyrannical regime looks like.

We must push back as One.

"Operation Free The Voice"

Phase One- Nationwide protests have been organised, Wednesday 2nd of August, 10.30am

Details to be released in the next 48hours.

Please make your arrangements now, to be available to attend.
I'm taking time away from work to make this happen, because this is what is needed.

See you there!

Thanks to Davidebergese for the video.


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