Condemned USA - J6 Patriot Fundraiser - Peter Schwartz

1 year ago

Peter Schwartz was raised in rural America by a working father and a stay at home mother. After high school, Peter became a traveling welder, a Husband, and served in the Army Reserves.
Peter and his family were always very close knit, remarking on his family that: "I am fortunate enough to have so many good memories that it is impossible to narrow it down. There are so many things I could say--growing up helping my dad in the garage, or summer days with my mom, or church and family dinner every Sunday at my Grandmas. But those stories don't tell the whole story."

Less than a month after the exaggerated events of January 6th, Peter was subjected to an overzealous FBI raid of his home. Peter and his wife were accosted by an armored car mounted with rifles, and over 30 FBI personnel. Arresting agents tricked Peter into unlocking his phone on the scene. Peter screamed to tell them that he had not, and would not, give them permission to access his phone. The 4th amendment protects against illegal search and seizures, but despite knowing he was acting outside the law, the agent shot back 'we'll get a warrant for it later.' Schwartz was arrested 2/1/21, and the warrant was dated 9/16/21.

Peter was convicted in a radicalized court system, in the most extreme democrat region of the United States. Peter was sentenced to 14 YEARS in prison.

According to the BJS, in 2016 the average prison time for MURDERERS is 13.4 years. Pete has bunked with Murderers doing less time than himself.

He has been moved to a very dangerous facility where he spends a majority of his time on lockdown due to the inmate stabbings and violence. He is 1000 miles away from his home, rendering his family unable to visit him.

After his loaded trial, Pete still has to cover the costs of his remaining attorneys fees + the cost of appellate court.

We cannot bring him home, without you.

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