🔥 Dr. Kelly Victory Does a Full 180 on ALL Vaccines: “I Believe We Are Over-Immunizing”

1 year ago

“I said [in the past] ‘There’s no credible evidence that vaccines are associated with autism.’ I would do a 180 on that,” professed Dr. Kelly Victory.

“The immune system reacts in ways we don’t necessarily anticipate, and we have been effing with it in a way by continually flogging the immune system with vaccine after vaccine after vaccine,” she continued.

“And we are seeing unprecedented rates, not only of autism, but in other things (autoimmune diseases, allergies, eczema, etc.) that I think are likely attributed to or potentially made worse by this assault on the human immune system.”

Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5EBJSsRuiA


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