LWs Predict a Mushroom Cloud Above a River in Manhattan and East London on 2023July24-27 July31-Aug3

11 months ago

The 2nd+3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 causing a pillar of cloud+fire over the Thames near Dartford, London & over the Hudson in Manhattan are now predicted for: 2023Ab5-7 (2023July24-27) and
2023Ab12-14 (2023July31-August3)
+China makes war in 2023Ab (July20-August19) +Volcano eruptions on AND before 2023August9/10.

This 489th main prediction results from realising that The 3 Pentecosts sent by Elijah4 to Ahaziah (the King of the Watchtower) in the greater meaning of 2Kings1 house the first 3 fire signs of 1Kings18.

And from remembering that our prediction at the start of the LW Alienation Times (on 2016Sivan21) was for 2016Sivan27-28 and 2016Tammuz6-11 with the main prediction extension from 2016Iyyar6 to 2016Tammuz14. We did not predict 2016Sivan21. So we go back 7x not from 2016Sivan21/22 to 2023Sivan21/22 but from 2016Tammuz14/15 to 2023Tammuz14/15, then add the 21x sentence count of the first part of 1Kings18:44, wherein it came about in the 7th that he got to say: Look a small cloud like a man's palm ascending from the sea. And we get to 2023Ab5/6.

Also the 2023Ab1-5 predictions will fail and then we go back 7x from that failure or from that failure realisation on 2023Ab6 to 2023Ab12/13. Then on to the first 7th on or thereafter which is 2023Ab13, the 6th Sabbath of Late 2NC Weeks of the Sivan1 secular year and the 4th Sabbath of late Zoar Weeks.

So now we essentially have the 2nd fire sign on 2023Ab6, in circumstances where Elijah prayed to Jehovah in 1Kings18:36 at the time of the bloodless (grain) offering going up (the evening sacrifice of the constant feature) i.e. on 2023Ab6 (after the double loaf grain offering of the Zoar Pentecost). But a grain offering going up says: First fruits or first ripe fruits. So we are bascially predicting the fire signs for the Zoar Super Pentecost and 7 days after that. Moses went up mount Sinai at the 1NC Pentecost on 1513Sivan7. The LWs go up into the mountain of God, his administration in the ark at the Zoar Pentecost on 2023Ab7.

For more see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding271-11.html

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