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DNA A New Era in Anthropology Dr Gregory L. Little

1 year ago

Who were the elite rulers of the Mound Builders? Today the Smithsonian asserts that there we no giants in the ancient world but in their actual published mound excavation reports, they detailed the discovery of many skeletons at least seven feet tall. The ritualistic purposes of the complex geometric earthen burial mounds were a complete mystery. It is now known that many ancient earthworks were used to assist souls of the dead in their journey to the sky world and the mysterious symbols were used in rituals by an elite ruling class of priests and chiefs. What was the true purpose of the Path of Souls?
Freeman Fly, host of FreemanTV.com, has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for two decades.
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  • Interesting. I woke up about 6 years ago. Crazy process😁. Hard to except at first. But once you wake up you can't go back to sleep. You see the falsehoods everywhere. Everything was a lie. History, evolution, big bang theory. All lies lol. Not wrong theories but lies. Then decades of other lies to cover for the first lie lol. But people are waking up. DNA is playing a big part. Along with other facts. Cro magnon man is 1 example. Or should I say homo sapien sapien.🤣 Cro magnon man 45,000 years old has the same DNA as all modern day Europeans.🤔🤔 Many other facts that still dont line up with what the "mainstream professionals" are still pushing to this day😁 Its the "so called" professionals that are lying lol. Fun actually doing your own research. You find facts that cant be denied. But the "professionals" still lie lol. Did you know Africans get up to 19% of their DNA from a ancient archaic still unknown to science? Europeans got 2-4% Neanderthal. Cro magnon man & that ancient archaic African screw up every thing the professionals still try to push lol😂