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1 year ago

🔗 The Real Anthony Fauci
Oct 18, 2022 • 1h 51m

Different experts make a stand against today's putatively criminal and harmful health system, focusing on Anthony Fauci and his role in the shaping of the AIDS and COVID-19 epidemics.

The forced-vaccine campaign and other cruel actions by Dr. Fauci might seem “too big to fail.” But that is up to us.
We can bow down and comply — take the jabs, wear the face coverings, show our digital passports on demand, submit to the tests.

Or we can say no. We have a choice, and it is not too late.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. closes his spellbinding book with the quote, “We’ll see you on the barricades.” Well… the time is now and these are the barricades.

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