4152, What's Behind the Ukraine vs Russia War??, 4152

1 year ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on why Joe Biden keeps throwing money at Ukraine.

Have you even wondered why Biden keeps throwing money at Ukraine? It’s never made sense to me. People ask me what I think and I just say I don’t know because something is basically really wrong about this whole thing.

Well, someone sent this to Beth. I don’t know who the news guy is or where he is, so I can’t attribute the source, but the guy he is interviewing is the former commander of the Australian Special Forces and you can tell by the precision with which he speaks that he’s dishing out the truth as best he knows it.

[insert: to “… the 10th century.]

Well, he’s going to get some pushback on that. Wikipedia calls Ukraine:

“… a unitary state with a semi-presidential system…. It is a founding member of the United Nations, as well as a member of the Council of Europe.”

It has always been fought over due to its fertile farmland. The Mongols conquered it in the 13th century. For the next 600 years it was contested, divided, and ruled by a variety of external powers … including the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Austrian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Tsardom of Russia.

“Ukraine gained independence in 1991 as the Soviet Union dissolved, and declared itself neutral. A new constitution was adopted in 1996. A series of mass demonstrations, known as the Euromaiden, led to the establishment of a new government in 2014 after a revolution.”

Since then, Ukraine has sought closer ties to the west, the U.S., EU, and NATO in order to escape Russia. Now that doesn’t mean that Putin doesn’t believe Russia still holds a claim to Ukraine, however, as nation states go, that claim is questionable, and self-serving. Certainly, the eastern part of Ukraine is predominantly Russian speaking, so that’s a clue to how a negotiated settlement may go. Probably the most lasting solution is to let the different regions vote which nation they would like to be a part of; or just split it up by a negotiated peace treaty. But this senseless slaughter should end immediately. Let’s pick it up again with the Aussie commander.

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