What Miles Guo said has been proven as Yi Gang and Qin Gang have been removed from their positions!

1 year ago

7/25/2023 What Mr. Miles Guo said has been proven, as the former Governor of the PBOC, Yi Gang, and the missing Foreign Minister of the CCP, Qin Gang, have both been ousted. Mr. Guo had already pointed out last year that Qin Gang would definitely be taken out and that Yi Gang would be arrested sooner or later.
#takedowntheCCPviatheCCPitself #QinGang #WangYi #PanGongsheng #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/25/2023 中共央行行长易纲和失踪多日的中共外长秦刚双双被免职,这又被郭文贵先生说对了!郭文贵先生早在去年就指出,秦刚一定会被做掉,而易纲早晚也会被抓。
#以共灭共 #秦刚 #王毅 #易纲 #潘功胜 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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